Welcome to The Third Kingdom Handbook, your go-to guide for transforming your Origin Island into a thriving production empire. Master everything from resource harvesting and deploying Prysms to prestiging and generating energy. This guide has everything you need to grind your way to greatness. Let's get started!
Your primary base for gameplay, where you produce resources and generate energy. You can choose a biome based on the SurrealScapes you own.
Stack SurrealScapes
Deploy Prysms
Build Extractors
Upgrade Extractors
Harvest Resources
The command center for managing SurrealScapes, tracking prestige requirements, and leveling up through prestige.
Deploy and undeploy SurrealScapes on Origin Island
Prestige to level up
Resource-rich biomes that boost resource production and expand Prysm deployment capacity on Origin Island
Boost production for all resources, scaling with SurrealScape size:
1x1 = 1%
2x2 = 2%
3x3 = 3%
4x4 = 4%
Increases the total number of Prysms that can be deployed
Apply SurrealScape biome to Origin Island
Land-harvesting devices essential for generating energy and unlocking rewards. Prysms last one season once deployed.
Boost resource production based on Prysm traits (increases prestige requirements)
Re-roll production boost (5%-100%) using Kingdom Coins (requires undeploying)
Generate energy upon prestige
Once deployed, Prysms are tied to your FuturePass and cannot be reused by any other account.
Eternal Prysms of Mastery are special and remain active across all seasons, providing ongoing production boosts that affect all industries.
Boosts resource production for all resources with a 1%-10% bonus.
A location on Origin Island to deploy and manage multiple Prysms of the same industry.
Scales the overall contribution from the Prysm bonuses within that cluster (50% to 150%)
Each industry has one Prysm cluster
The bonus per cluster is randomized each time you prestige
Extractors harvest stone, alloy, gems, ooze, and gold—essential for prestige.
Build extractors in 12 slots on Origin Island (5 types for different resources)
Upgrade production rate/capacity using resources or Kingdom Coins
Demolish unnecessary extractors
Limited to 2 build/upgrade actions at a time
Stone, alloy, gems, ooze, and gold collected to support growth and prestige progression.
Harvest resources using extractors
Use resources to upgrade extractors and prestige
Mint excess resources to Material World
A shared ecosystem for collecting, crafting, and trading resources across different game worlds and digital experiences where developers choose to integrate them.
Mint excess resources to Material World upon prestige
Take them to other experiences where developers choose to integrate them
An in-game currency you can use to accelerate your progress.
Purchase Kingdom Coin packs using ROOT token
Use them to reroll resource production boosts for your Prysms
Skip extractors' building and upgrading costs
Level up your empire, reset your progress, and generate energy.
Use harvested resources to prestige
The resource requirements to prestige are different for every user and change at every prestige level
Prestiging resets your buildings and materials
Prestiging gives you a production boost and generates energy (if you have at least one Prysm deployed)
The ultimate in-game resource that will contribute to unlocking ROOT in future updates.
Generate energy each time you prestige (you need to deploy at least one Prysm to generate energy)
The more Prysms you deploy, the more energy you can generate.